Lot II A 103 Nanisana, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar
+261 33 32 552 05



UPDATE:  Our school is built! Read more about the project and how we completed it, and keep an eye out for a school supplies funding drive, coming soon.

Help Us Build A New Primary School!


Anosibe is a rural village in northwestern Madagascar, near Mandrava, situated among sprawling wetlands and gallery forests.  These wild ecosystems are home to an incredible number of endemic species.  Nestled deep within this isolated, beautiful region is the township of Madiromirafy.

Here, there is no public school, and so children must walk three hours each day to attend classes. During the rainy season, between November and April, the journey becomes too treacherous, forcing children to stay at home.

Determined to give their children better access to education, the community of Anosibe have built their own school; the small classroom is made of palm leaves, and the pupils are taught by a single teacher who is paid by parents of the students. But the school is not big enough to accommodate more than 20 primary school students, and those who are able to attend do not have desks or benches to work at, or school books to learn from. Furthermore, the school is not officially recognised by the state, and the teacher receives no basic training.


How does impact Madagascar plan to help?

We will build a new primary community school in Anosibe, to replace the small classroom which is currently in use, and provide desks and educational materials such as text books and exercise books. The new school will increase the capacity of the current classroom, and will provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for the students and teacher. Alongside the school-build, we will also work with the teacher to officialise the school with the National Ministry for Education. And will provide appropriate training to the teacher for a better education to the young generations.

We will build a school with two classrooms, which will fit up to 80 students.  Additionally, we will construct a library/teacher's room (which could also be used as classroom), and a shelter for outdoor activities and workshops with children, parents and teachers. Appropriate bathroom facilities will be also be constructed for use by children and teachers. More than 50 desks will be provided to the schools with library, teaching equipment, and other materials.

Plans for the main school building.  A library, shelter for outdoor activities, and appropriate bathroom facilities will also be constructed. 

Plans for the main school building.  A library, shelter for outdoor activities, and appropriate bathroom facilities will also be constructed

Progress so far

Our budget for the school construction is £ 14,000. (Roughly US$15,580.)  Our deadline to meet this fundraising goals is January 1, 2019.

We have recently secured half of this amount from our fundraising partner, Cotswold Wildlife Park and Garden , and are currently seeking to raise the remainder from supporters like you.

Your support will allow us to finish construction, supply the school with desks, and textbooks, and build a better future for the children of Madiromirafy, and for Madagascar.

Click the button below to donate today. 

thank you for your support!

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Why school construction?

The long-term conservation of biodiversity and natural resources in Madagascar relies upon the support and cooperation of local communities. The lemurs and their forest homes are part of the most important and valuable biodiversity in Madagascar. That’s why education and empowerment form such an integral part of the Sifaka Conservation Programme.

We believe that Education is an important strategy that should be part of the conservation project, as it helps in addressing threats on natural resources, it provides awareness and knowledge. It shapes the attitudes and skills of the young generations. It will also address poverty issues that would help in decreasing the loss of forests and its animal species.

The national illiteracy rate in Madagascar has reached 80% and, owing to a lack of intervention by the state or other service providers to maintain education infrastructure, 30% of Madagascar’s communes still do not have access to a secondary school.

Lining up to begin classes for the day...

Lining up to begin classes for the day...

The gallery forest

The gallery forest

A crowned sifaka, Propithecus coronatus

A crowned sifaka, Propithecus coronatus

What is the potential long-term impact of this project?

Education is the future of rural villages and the entire biodiversity of the area. It helps guide young people along a path that will ensure a balanced and rewarding future, reducing their economic vulnerability. Through education, Madagascar's young people will also gain the knowledge and skills to develop their villages and contribute to the conservation of natural resources in regions most affected by their depletion. 

Increasing the school's capacity will benefit over 800 students over the next 10 years.  As a result of their enhanced education and subsequent employability, this will further benefit around 1,000 members of their households. The increase in access to education is in turn expected to build human capacity, drive development across the region, and thus help to alleviate poverty and reduce pressure on natural resources.

Be a part of change in Madagascar, and help us bring education to the children of Anosibe. 

Thank you for your donation!

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Eleve d'Anosibe 1.JPG

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