Lot II A 103 Nanisana, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar
+261 33 32 552 05



We are always in need of funding for our ongoing and future projects.  To learn more about how you can help support our work in Madagascar, click on the donate button below:


According to UNICEF (2011), less than half of the municipal waste, or rubbish, that is produced in Madagascar each year is collected. Of this, only 3.5% is composted, whilst the remaining 405,173 tons is dumped in landfills. As for the uncollected waste (over 419,000 tons of it per year), this is left untreated within the environment, causing serious sanitary problems and environmental damage. Our recycling projects aim to improve the lives of local people and reduce environmental damage by reducing the amount of waste (both biodegradable and non-degradable) which is thrown away.

Stock photo of plastic bottles by Adam Cohn

Stock photo of plastic bottles by Adam Cohn

Stock photo of Antananarivo by Rafael Medina

Stock photo of Antananarivo by Rafael Medina

Stock photo of landfill outside Antananarivo by Friends of Father Pedro Charity

Stock photo of landfill outside Antananarivo by Friends of Father Pedro Charity



An EcoBrick is a PET plastic bottle filled with non-degradable waste which, once filled, can be used in construction to build anything from a bench, to a house, to a garden wall! The EcoBrick Project aims to create a cleaner planet by reducing the amount of non-degradable waste which is thrown away, and we hope to do this in such a way that we encourage future generations to protect their environment.

EcoBricks are easy to make, reduce plastic-waste, are good thermal insulators, and are safer than traditional building materials in the event of infrastructure collapse. So far in 2015, Project EcoBrick has already worked with staff and students to construct 4 benches at Le Petit Chatenay School, Antananarivo. We are now working with the public primary school at Ivandry, Antananarivo, to construct the headmaster's office after the last one collapsed. Keep up with our upcoming EcoBrick projects on News & Updates page, or by signing up for our newsletter below.

Stock photo of Ecobricks

Stock photo of Ecobricks

Domestic Biogas

Coming soon!

By using bacteria to anaerobically digest organic waste (i.e. household waste, food industry waste, and even industrial waste) it is possible to produce biomethane. Also known as ‘green gas’, biomethane is a 100% renewable energy source. Biomethane can then be recycled and used for cooking, whilst the remaining degraded waste can be used to produce organic fertilizers. This project is currently in the early stages of development and we will keep you informed via our News & Updates page, or by signing up for our newsletter below!

Stock photo of Malagasy Omby by Jason Williamson

Stock photo of Malagasy Omby by Jason Williamson

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