Lot II A 103 Nanisana, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar
+261 33 32 552 05



Your generosity can help save red ruffed lemurs and their habitat in madagascar


The Red Ruffed Lemur Conservation Project

A flagship species for a reintroduction programme

Above: A red ruffed lemur from the capture site – © IMPACT Madagascar

Red-ruffed Lemur © Antongil Conservation

Red-ruffed Lemur © Antongil Conservation

The red ruffed lemur, Varecia Rubra, classified as critically endangered from the IUCN Red list, is listed as one of Top 25 most threatened primates in the world. The distribution area of this species is limited to the north-east region of Madagascar, where it can be found in the primary forests of the Masoala peninsula and Antongil bay.

In the wild, the red ruffed lemur species is subject to human pressures (such as deforestation, fragmentation and hunting) which dramatically decrease the population size. Therefore, it is highly recommended to save the remaining members of this species, using various approaches of conservation. To rescue the groups of red ruffed lemurs living in a degraded habitat in the Ambolohosy forest (Maroantsetra, Analanjirofo Region), IMPACT Madagascar’s team, with GERP, and in partnership with the NGO Antongil Conservation, translocated five individuals of this species. Captured in the Ambolohosy forest, the red ruffed lemurs were then transferred and released in the Farankaraina forest, a protected area that is about one hour from the Ambolohosy forest by speedboat.

A recent update from the field confirms that the five translocated individuals are doing well and have very well adapted to their new environment. Not only does this mission aim to save these lost individuals, but also to bring back the red ruffed lemur population in Farankaraina for long-term conservation.

The capture team – © Antongil Conservation

The capture team – © Antongil Conservation

Looking for the Red-ruffed Lemurs © Antongil Conservation

Looking for the Red-ruffed Lemurs © Antongil Conservation


  • To save the species: a flagship species for a reintroduction programme

  • To establish a reintroduction programme that could provide habitat protection for and conservation of other species

  • To reinforce the wild population from the captive population as well as to manage the extra-popuations in Europe.

  • To set up a model for global population management of in- and ex-situ programmes

Health check of a newly captured individual © Antongil Conservation

Health check of a newly captured individual © Antongil Conservation


  1. Feasibility studies of the reintroduction programme: 2018-2019

  2. Two translocation programmes completed: 5 red ruffed lemurs were successfully translocated from the degraded forest of Ambolohosy to the protected forests of Farankaraina area in June 2018 and September 2019.

  3. Post-release monitoring of the individuals at Farankaraina: Ongoing

  4. Reinforcement of the Conservation of the Farankaraina forests & Rabondro Reserve: Ongoing


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