Lot II A 103 Nanisana, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar
+261 33 32 552 05



Teaching Art and Empowerment in Berenty

While in Berenty Reserve for the annual lemur census, our team stopped in again to Berenty School to teach another art workshop with the children there. 

Our workshop last year, a joint venture with Room 13 International, culminated in a gallery show which raised nearly $400 for the school!  Last year, we learned about the wildlife native to Berenty, and how to draw some of the amazing animals we see every day!  We also learned about our important role in protecting these animals, and the forest we all share.

The artwork was then on display as part of Art Night 2014, in Pasadena, CA, where the children's paintings were available for purchase.  All proceeds went directly back to the students, and Berenty school!

Our 2014 art workshop in progress at Berenty School!  Art supplies were donated courtesy of NaturePlay, Canson, Grumbacher, and others. 

Our 2014 art workshop in progress at Berenty School!  Art supplies were donated courtesy of NaturePlay, Canson, Grumbacher, and others. 

The Berenty students' artwork on display for Spring ArtNight 2014 in Pasadena, CA. 

The Berenty students' artwork on display for Spring ArtNight 2014 in Pasadena, CA. 

This year, our focus was self-portraits!  We learned what makes faces unique, and how to draw ourselves, our family, and our friends.  (We also made time to sketch a few lemur friends as well.) 

These art workshops are invaluable for the students at Berenty - and potentially for Malagasy students everywhere.  They are fun, and creative, but also educational and empowering, teaching children that they have the ability to make a direct difference in their world, by using their creative voice, and raising money for their village school.

We are currently seeking a space to collaborate with for future art shows, at Berenty and beyond.  Inspired to be a part of something amazing?  Get in touch at impact_mada@gmail.com!